bit 40MHz flash ADC
The ADC is able to convert
the analog input signal into a 6 bit digital word for further processing.
- Full flash architecture
- Automatic offset correction
- Resolution: 6 bits
- Total harmonic distortion
(THD): 1%(typ) / 2% (max)
- Effective number of bits:
5.5 bits (min)
- Differential non-linearity:
0.5 bits (max)
- Integral non-linearity:
1 bit (max)
- DC input voltage: 1.5
V (typ)
- Input bandwidth: 50 MHz
- Delay clock to output:
1.5 ns (typ)
- Power supply: 3.3 V (typ)
- Temperature range: 0
to 70 degrees C
- 0.35 mm
CMOS technology